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How To Report


Upon gaining knowledge of or reasonably suspecting child abuse or neglect, each mandated reporter must immediately or as soon as practicably possible make a report as described below.

If you are unsure that what you suspect indicates abuse or neglect, you should call the child welfare authorities to ask.

The initial telephone report must be followed by a written report to the same agency within 36 hours. A written report may be submitted on form SS8572.

  1. External Report Required by Law: Immediately by telephone report observed or suspected child abuse or neglect to agencies designated to receive these reports. These include:

  2. Internal Report Required by UC Policy: Promptly report observed or suspected child abuse or neglect to your supervisor or through the University of California Compliance Hotline​:

    • This internal reporting requirement does not apply to: (1) clinicians or staff who identify abuse or neglect in connection with the provision of mental health services through faculty and staff assistance programs; nor (2) victim advocates employed by or volunteering in campus resource or advocacy centers who identify abuse or neglect in connection with their confidential work as advocates.

    • Mandated Reporters at any UC Merced healthcare facility (e.g. Student Health Services and Counseling & Psychological Services) who observe or suspect child abuse or neglect must comply with any internal reporting obligations set forth in the facilities’ local bylaws and policies.

    • An internal report is not a substitute for a mandated reporter’s required external report as described in above.